Be prepared to discuss current skin-care routine and products. It is critical to have a thorough understanding of your current skin-care routine. Adjustments may be recommend to achieve the perfect outcome for your Bio-Lift Line Eraser.
Disclose any medication use. It’s important to tell your skin care professional about any medications you are using. Depending on this information, your skin care specialist might recommend you temporarily stop your dosage so it doesn’t interfere with the success of your procedure.
How to Prepare for your Bio-Lift Line Eraser Treatment
5 days before your treatment:
Discontinue Vitamin-A, Retinol, Tretinoin, or Retin-A unless otherwise instructed by your skin-care professional.
Avoid spending time under UV rays from the sun or tanning beds.
Discontinue all scrubs and avoid skincare ingredients that exfoliate your skin, such as Benzol Peroxide, Salicylic Acid, Glycolic Acid, or other AHA's or BHA's.
Avoid facial waxing. Shaving, is okay.
For those of you who are on an acne-clear regimen, you need to stop the use of stop the use of Renova, Differin, Tazorac, Avage, EpiDuo or Ziana.
Wear an SPF 30+ daily.
2 days before your treatment:
Stop taking aspirin, ibuprofen, or any other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory.
Clients with herpes simplex infection should begin taking an anti-viral medication such as Acyclovir or Valacyclovir. If a prescription is needed, please call our office 1 week before your appointment.
Drink lots of water. Hydrated skin works best with this treatment.
Wear an SPF 30+ daily.
Day of Bio-Lift Line Eraser:
Avoid going to the gym or engaging in other activities that increase blood-flow to the treatment area.
Cleanse your skin with a gentle cleanser and refrain from using make-up.
Stay hydrated. Your skin should be well-hydrated on the day of your Bio-Lift Line Eraser Treatment.
Arrive for your appointment in a relaxed state of mind.
How to Care for your Skin after Bio-Lift Line Eraser Treatment
Day of Bio-Lift Line Eraser: First few hours – you may notice some redness, tingling, or warmth or mild burning of the skin.
Stay out of direct sunlight.
If needed, use cold-compress applied to face no longer than 20 minutes.
Avoid any medication or herbal supplement with decreased inflammation. This increased inflammation is necessary to encourage collagen & elastin production.
Do not take a HOT shower, or use a pool, hot tub, sauna, or steam for 24 hrs.
Do not use makeup.
Keep skin moisturized. Gently apply a thin layer of moisturizer all over the skin as needed.
Cleanse Gently: Your skin may be irritated and red. Cleanse your skin with cool water (hot water will cause inflammation to the skin) and a gentle cleanser. Use only your fingertips – no washcloths, loofahs, sponges, brushes, etc. Pat skin dry with towel. Do not rub.
1-2 days after Bio-Lift Line Eraser: You may notice some dryness, irritation, and mild swelling.​
Keep gently cleansing the skin 2x day using only gentle cleanser and warm water.
Moisturize skin often with moisturizer or Aquaphor.
Apply sunscreen of SPF30+ daily, but take care to avoid direct sun exposure.
Avoid foundation makeup. Eye and lip makeup are ok to apply.
Redness should subside after 24 hours.
2-3 days after Bio-Lift Line Eraser: Your skin may get flaky or itchy. This is a normal shedding of the dead skin on the epidermis. Keep skin moisturized. ​​
You may resume exercise.
It is okay to wear makeup, but please make sure you are using quality foundations and clean makeup applicators.
Avoid using any active products (such as Retinols, AHA, BHA, etc.) unless otherwise directed by your skin care professional. Use plenty of moisturizer and sunblock.
You may re-introduce a Vitamin C serum. Apply a small amount to one cheek. If no burning occurs, you may apply to facel.
Apply sunscreen of SPF30+ daily, but take care to avoid direct sun exposure.
​5-7 days after Bio-Lift Line Eraser: All side effects should start to subside, and your skin should begin to look and feel “normal”.
If face is no longer sensitive, you may resume your normal skin care routine. Spot treat any retinol products by placing a small amount in a dime-sized area near your ear. Let sit overnight. Evaluate for excess irritation.
Be sure to apply sunscreen regularly.
Most people notice results within the first week of their treatment; however, the visible results of collagen & elastin production usually occurs approximately 30 days after your initial treatment and continues producing at this increased volume for up to 5 months.
One Treatment is Great, but Multiple Bio-Lift Line Eraser Treatments Deliver Maximum Results!
Many people think they’ll achieve the results they want after just one treatment. It usually takes several treatment sessions to see the desired outcomes. Most people notice some improvement after their first Bio-Lift Line Eraser, but with multiple treatments spaced 30 days apart, patients will be astonished by how much better their skin looks.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.